Monday 24 October 2011

Day 86

Training went well this morning despite the rain and slippery conditions underfoot. Whoooo it really was a power challenge, but worth it.

I'm not keen on the "failure" targets for the V-sits and Plank as I'm a target orientated individual, and need something to aim there in the end. Managed to do 1 x 11min and 1 x 10min skipping, meaning my counting is improving.

K K K K Keeeeeeeep it going everyone........nearly there !!!!


  1. I know what you mean Graeme. I think I need to have a target too when doing planks and v-sits. I got to failure pretty quickly on the plank especially, next time though i think i'll give my self 90 sec targets to see if there is any difference.

    Keep up the great work and finish strong!
