Tuesday 11 October 2011

Day 72

Hey, anyone looked ahead to Day 75.........5 sets of 90sec plank, this will certainly be a challenge as I'm "cream crackered" after 4 sets, ha ha.

Hope everyone's fighting through the program as there's definitely a bright shining light at the end of the tunnel now. Keep it going EVERYONE, the end (and the new beginning) is in sight for us all. G


  1. yep. trying to look beyond those evil planks onto the same end goal. Good luck on the final stretch!

  2. brave of you to look ahead... i still can only peek at next day's list myself. keep it up, not long now... !!

  3. Ha ha, I only peek and those "evil planks" cause travelling and need to get the sheets sorted in advance, otherwise I'm exactly the same as you guys.........one day at a time.
